Interesting migration cases

Interesting migration cases

As migration agents we often feel that we have become part of a migrant’s personal story and have had the opportunity to change people’s lives, forever.

We’d like to share some of those story’s with you here. All names, countries of origination and identification have been changed to ensure confidentiality.

Choosing a General Skills visa vs Business skills

Doreen and her husband visited our office a number of years ago and were both focused on a business skills visa whereby they would need to buy a business in order to meet the criteria for the relevant visa. After assessing both their skills we found out that Doreen rather qualified to apply for a skilled visa and we pursued that option.

Fortunately Doreen had family in Victoria who could sponsor her and the family unit, and within a number of months their provisional skills visa got granted and a number of years later their permanent visa was approved. Today Doreen and family live happily settled in Melbourne.

Urgent appointment of a Manager of Power Station (Character issue)

A large multinational infrastructure organisation required a UK citizen to take up his position as soon as possible. After gathering all his documents we found out that he had been excluded from another country due to possessing a small amount of illegal drugs 25 years ago.

We immediately organised to get a full statement from him and his police clearance and his temporary visa. This allowed for the expediting of his temporary work visa and he was able to take up him position.

Waiver of Medical Issue

Our Asian client was the child of a highly skilled employee of a large organisation being the father’s sponsor. He unfortunately had been diagnosed with a dreaded disease.

After pursuing a health waiver where the sponsor was prepared to support the child and after gaining support from the local government, the family were successful in securing their visa.

MRT Appeal involving a Domestic Violence

Our client experienced domestic violence in her relationship but found difficulty in proving this when she first applied for her permanent partner visa.

Immigration Law Specialist Harry Grossman, with our office’s support, successfully assisted this applicant with this matter and she was able to stay in Australia. This was a tremendous outcome.